It will be your superpower if you do.

I don’t intend for this to be a religious piece on what people should and should not do. I don’t like to be told what to do, and given that I am having a human experience like everyone else reading this, I highly doubt that you want to be told what to do also. While people are definitely misleading in the advice they give to one another (most people give advice based on their own life experience, which doesn’t necessarily reflect your own), God, or the source within you, will never lead you astray.
I wish I could tell you that I’m an expert at this and that I’ve been listening to God with regards to everything that I do since the time I was born, but that would be a lie. It takes a while to really nurture the connection that you have to your inner being/God, and we are still taught in society to follow people rather than follow our own intuition.
One of the biggest impediments to truly following your intuition is ignoring what everyone and everything is saying on the outside. Most people are afraid to be different because they want to be liked. Period. To love God means to love yourself and your well-being above anything else. As 1 John 2:15 says: “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” I really want to delve more deeply into this idea of God at a later point, but for now, I will say that spirituality is bigger than religion, and God is not about religion, it is about faith in the higher power that created us, that wants us to ascend spiritually to higher heights. I have no idea what those heights are, to be clear. When I think of the Father, I think of the God within us that is parenting us to overcome the childhood traumas we’ve endured, in addition to whatever other things we went through after our childhood that happened as a result of us not healing our inner child wounds.
Do you know what God’s voice sounds like?
The way I discovered what God’s voice sounds like was through meditation. For me, it wasn’t even about connecting to God at that point, it was really just about quieting the monkey mind and finally getting some peace. I’ve dealt with anxiety pretty much my entire life, and because of it, I’ve always overthought everything and suffered from analysis paralysis. I know that I’m not alone in this. Once I became fairly consistent with quieting my mind, I started to hear God, and acted on the advice that I was given. God’s voice is a pretty quiet voice, that requires you to have a good amount of peace before you can really hear it. All of the distractions that we have in our lives on a daily basis don’t help us to have that peace so that we can hear from God. We really have to take the time to quiet our minds, otherwise, we’ll never feel like we have any peace in our minds.
On my journey, there was a period of time where I was extremely religious, to the point where I wouldn’t really do much or go anywhere because everything seemed like it was a sin! It’s only since I’ve evolved from this idea that we have to follow a religion in order to be right with God, that I have a lot more peace and don’t feel condemned for things that I do. I’m not knocking religion, I think that it’s great and it really helps a lot of people who are struggling. What I will say is that I think that religion in and of itself is not the end-all-be-all, and what we are really searching for is a deeper relationship with God/source. Sometimes religion hinders us from doing that because we become so focused on the religiosity of it all, when the reason for religion was to bring people to God. The Bible always talks about the religious people, the Pharisees, as being the most hypocritical of them all.
The Bible has been an awesome resource for me, and I suggest it to anyone who wants to delve more deeply into their own spirituality. For that reason, I love to quote it. One of my favorite quotes is Matthew 6:33. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” If we take religion out of the equation, what this text is urging us to do is seek a relationship with God/source first, and then everything else in your life will fall into place. And that’s not to say that the journey won’t test your faith and see if you’re really willing to follow God to the ends of the earth; be prepared to go through hard times first before God takes you to heights that you could’ve never imagined.
While we are physically human, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Whether you believe it or not, everything that happens on a day-to-day basis has nothing to do with who we truly are. If you are living right now, you chose to be born into the body that you’re in, to experience life as a human being for a specific reason. I have no idea what that reason is, but one thing I do know is that in seeking God, you discover exactly what that reason is. I’m not saying that your entire purpose will become crystal clear to you through a transformative meditation session one day — but never say never — what I am saying, however, is that we all have to get comfortable with the fact that we don’t know as much as we think we know, and life is bigger than any problem we may be facing in the physical world at this present moment.
I love the idea of following God/your inner source as being a superpower. The majority of the world follows some sort of religion, but are they just doing it because its religious to them, or do they truly have a relationship with God?
In recent months, I’ve learned that what vastly distinguishes the most successful people from the least successful people isn’t education level, but whether or not they have a relationship with God and know how to use the laws of the universe to their advantage. The reality is: we create our own reality. The trick is to realize that it’s a waste of time to pay attention to something negative that’s going on, and instead focus on something positive. Whatever we focus on is what grows. When I say this to people they usually get mad at me, especially my family, because they just hate that I’m always so positive about things. I’ve gotten used to the fact that each of us is on a different spiritual level and it’s nothing personal. I’m just here to share what I’ve learned thus far and help those who are at my level or lower, and are trying to get a better understanding of what God’s role really is in all of this, as well as how to connect with the reason for their existence. It’s an exciting time to be alive.
So I ask you in closing… do you want to access your superpower?