It’s amazing when you understand…

It’s a wonderful thing when something happens to uncover why you are the way that you are…. or, the way that you’ve been. Even if you come from a family where you have both parents, that doesn’t necessarily mean that everything is great and dandy. I experience this firsthand, given that my parents’ marriage isn’t exactly the happiest one. If it weren’t for God’s love, right now I’d be thinking that to be married means to be miserable. The crazy part is, I don’t think that my parents are a terrible match, I just think that they are both broken, and have yet to make their own individual journeys towards wholeness. You can’t depend on someone else for your own happiness, and only God can make you whole. I know that God can heal anyone, and I pray that he heals the both of them, as He has healed me.
Most people would rather accept the “fact” that their lives can’t change, rather than put in the work to make it better. Changing one’s mindset is not for the faint of heart. There are less great people in the world than there are average people for this very reason. Not that everyone can’t be great, but most people have been fooled into thinking that they’re doomed to a life of misery. I’ve been in a season of my life where on the outside, it looks like I’m lazy and don’t know what the heck I’m doing, when in reality, I’ve been dealing with all of my stuff so that I can soar to the top.
Each person has stuff that’s been handed down to them through generations, called generational curses, that need to be dealt with at some point in time. Every generation that doesn’t deal with it, passes it on to the next generation, so that they have to deal with it — if they so choose. God chose me to break those generational curses on my family and unlock our generational blessings. I am an eagle. I am one of God’s anointed, here to have a huge positive impact on the world. And every person, in every family can unlock their own family’s generational blessings.
Very soon, this season that I’m experiencing right now will all make sense. It has been very difficult to push through this, but I’ve been holding onto God’s promise to me, as well as keeping my sight set on heavenly things. When you get saved by Jesus, God starts to reveal these seemingly impossible promises over your life, that truly only He can bring to pass. The thing is, though, the currency of God is faith. Your faith has to be kept insanely strong because we are in a spiritual warfare with the devil, and he will always try to convince us that we should give up. The reality is, the battle is already won, and all we have to do is consistently remind ourselves of that by staying prayed up and reading the word (the Bible).
It is really amazing when you understand why you have to go through what you’re going through at any given moment. It’s not about you, it’s the fact that the devil hates us and wants us to think that there’s nothing in life worth living for. Recently I was watching Joyce Meyer’s program, which really blessed me. She said that the devil does not want us to progress, and he’ll do anything to make sure that we don’t. I don’t give a flying fadoodle what he tries to throw at me, because I know that God has already won the battle, all I have to do is trust and believe that. I pray that everyone knows this so that they don’t have to walk around being depressed.
God is so good, and we are blessed because of his son Jesus dying on the cross, permanently putting to death the sins of man. It doesn’t matter that we will mess up and sin, because Jesus has saved us from all sins we have committed and will commit; no person is without blemishes. We honor God by walking in the fact that we are blessed, and proclaiming the goodness of God. My wish is for everyone to be freed from the carnal world that is Earth, and to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. God is so amazing. It’s hard for me to only say that He is good because He is way more than that to me.
All I want to do is honor God with my life. In all honesty, I don’t know exactly how God is going to do that through me. I’m excited for the ride, and happy to be in the place that I am now with Him.
While I am “lucky” to look the way that I do, life is more than what you look like. It took me so long to get to a point where I accepted myself as I am, and no matter what you look like, all women seem to deal with this feeling that they’re just not beautiful enough. I’ve felt really weird about the idea of plastic surgery for this very reason. In some regard, I’ve wanted to get it so that I could finally look perfect as if perfect is even attainable. There are certain things that I wasn’t blessed with, like a big butt and boobs, and after I lost weight, I felt myself feeling inadequate because I lacked those qualities, and still find myself thinking about it every so often, as if that’s what really matters in life. I know that there are so many women out there who feel the same way as me, but ended up going through with the surgeries. I wonder all the time whether it helps them to feel better about themselves, and pray that the changes helped them come to peace with themselves. Like God reminds me through this scripture and I aim to remind them:
“Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates.” — Proverbs 31:30–31
We are beautiful because we are uniquely ourselves, no matter what we wish we were born with or looked like. While I mentioned women, this extends to men as well.
I honestly do not care what anyone has to say about me or what I believe in, because I know what God says about me, and I hope that you know what He says about you too. I only fear the Lord. As His word says in Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your hear, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” I trust the Lord with all my heart, and no person or thing will ever come between that. He saved me from a life of weed and porn addiction, as well as dangerous decision-making, to where I don’t do any of that, and rarely drink. I should not be alive today, and yet I am. Everyone is going through their own process, so it is never right to judge anyone because would you want to be judged by that same yardstick yourself?
All I have is love for people in whatever stage of life that they’re in, and I pray that more people have this attitude about others as well. No one is perfect, and especially not me. Despite that, Jesus loves me and He loves you too. I pray that every person on this Earth realizes how special they are, and that their existence is for a divine purpose. We are all here for a reason; seek God to find it!
May God bless your soul and you walk in it. Amen.