Nothing is by coincidence

Throughout the Bible, we hear God tell us the importance of patience. In a world where most things are instantaneous, society lacks patience. Life has gotten a lot easier as a result of technological innovations and yet, people seem to be more unhappy than ever — especially in the developed world. The reality is, when things come to us easily and instantly, we don’t value them nearly as much as we would had we waited for them. This explains why the divorce rate is so high, why there are high levels of anxiety and depression, why people are in so much debt, and why there is so much destruction being caused to the planet. We want what we want when we want it. But this begs the question: what truly matters in our society?
With the COVID-19 global pandemic in full swing at the moment, it forces us to slow down and really reflect on where we are right now, as well as how we got here. As a society, we’ve really lost our way, but who would’ve thought that it’d be a virus that would slow us down? A positive of this whole situation is that people are really beginning to wake up and become conscious of all that is actually going on in the world. The virus is called the Coronavirus, and the word Corona means crown. In thinking about the seven chakras — which are featured in both Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism — the seventh chakra is called the crown chakra or Sahaswara, which is pure consciousness energy. As Mindvalley states, “Consciousness energy is everywhere and in everything. It connects us to the entire universe… Achieving a balanced crown chakra is the goal of every spiritual warrior and it’s not easy to do… it is the journey of attempting to achieve this balance that brings us happiness, good health, and wisdom.”
I don’t believe that it’s a coincidence that this virus is called the Coronavirus. For so long, the entire world has been unconscious to much of what’s been going on in the world, and now, there’s no way to escape the fact that many things are wrong in this world; we have a lot of time to actually think about things. Since we’ve been forced to slow down and get back to the basics of what really matters — family, creativity, nature — we must have patience and reflect if we want to arise out of this stronger than when we went into this pandemic.
For anyone to call themselves an expert on anything is ridiculous. As we can see, mother nature is its own unexplainable beast. Every day I wake up and have no idea how my day is going to unfold. The one thing I do know is that I’m going to trust in God to get me through the day, and to show me what I should channel my energy into. When you do this, you get to a point (usually years later), where you realize that you’ve acquired some knowledge in a particular area, in which you can impart wisdom onto others who are trying to figure things out for themselves. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” We all want to be successful and be influential, but are we willing to exercise patience and persistence to get there?
During a time like this, it seems trivial to be concerned about being successful and influential; people’s true colors are revealed when shit hits the fan. Rather than ever really stress about being successful, we should be focused on compassion and connection. It’s funny how technology was meant to make us more connected but mostly ended up having the adverse effect. While I’m extremely grateful for technology, some things just can’t be automated. Now, people are waking up to the fact that we’ve taken the idea of physical connection for granted, making us yearning to connect physically once more, while we socially distance ourselves to stop the spread.
As I write this, I’m at a point in my life where all I can do is wait on God, knowing that what is promised for me, will come exactly at the perfect time, because God’s timing is always perfect. And the same is true for you reading this too. The only thing we can all do is wait this thing out, and let our own spirits guide us as to what we should be doing with this time. Who knows what amazing ideas will come out of this whole thing, as well as the new level of awareness the world can have.
In a world that lacks faith, most people don’t believe that they are great and that they have everything they need within them; they believe that their circumstances define them and that because of those circumstances, they must not be worthy of an amazing life. I believe this to be the work of the enemy (or ego), trying to get us to sell ourselves short so that we do not accomplish the amazing things that God wants us to complete here on Earth. Most, if not all, of the world’s greatest people had to undergo immense trials and tribulations, in order to achieve massive feats, and now God is challenging the world to do it!
I challenge you, as I challenge myself, to lean into your own creativity and inner stillness to discover things about yourself that you never would’ve taken the time to do, had we not been going through this global pandemic. Don’t let fear get to you, and understand that each of us has the power to choose faith in times of uncertainty.
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” — James 1:2–4