I reject the “Future is Female” notion entirely

While this will surely make me some enemies, I don’t believe that “The Future is Female,” but instead that “The Future is Balanced.”
Ever since the era of Rosie the Riveter, I believe that women have been trying to find where we fit into the world after we were (thankfully) forced to not be dependent on a man because they were fighting in a war. With the creation of birth control, women attending undergrad & post-grad programs, and of course, the feminist movement, women have slowly lost their sense of identity, which I believe is derived from being in touch with our femininity/feminine energy.
Whether you agree with this statement or not: women are different than men. We have different strengths than our male counterparts, and that’s okay. For so long, I’ve been trying to wrap my head around why when I try to do things the way that men would do them, I feel drained and things don’t work out. All people should be moving with their natural flow, but feminine energy is all about creativity; it is the being energy, whereas masculine is the doing energy. In trying to make things happen all the time, women are not standing in their power, and this has obviously created many issues for us and for the world.
I get it. Women have marched on lines and protested for all of these rights, so who am I to reject feminism? It’s not so much that I don’t believe that women deserve respect — because obviously I do — it’s just that I believe that males and females should be respected for the different inherent qualities & strengths that make us each require the other. If you are born with a vagina, you are equipped with a womb and nipples in which to grow and feed a child, whereas if you are born with a penis you are equipped to fertilize the egg that grows in the womb. I don’t care what you identify as, but biologically, this will always hold true. Because of this, persons with vaginas have vastly different life experiences than persons with penises. Generally, the persons with penises are the masculine energy center of a partnership, while the persons with vaginas are the feminine energy center of the partnership. In the era of toxic masculinity, however, persons with vaginas are choosing to live in their masculine energy, which is completely throwing everything out of whack energetically. I believe the answer to much of our problems in society is for women (or persons with vaginas) to instead lean into their feminine energy, which comes naturally.
Regardless of how you feel about gender, men and women need each other. Why else would we both be here if we didn’t?!
I think of the Bible as an amazing text that provides ample advice and guideposts. In the Bible, it says that Adam was put to sleep, and then one of his ribs was pulled out to create Eve. If we think about this in the terms of twin souls, there is a divine masculine and divine feminine aspect to each soul, so in going on one’s own spiritual journey, you should attract that other half if you’re doing your inner work right. God created humans in His image, which to me means that balance between masculine and feminine energy. To be clear, each of us has both, but each sex has a predisposition to one over the other, given the reproductive organs that we were equipped with. Because of this, and my own unique spiritual journey, it’s made me reconsider a lot of what I believe the dominant culture has taught women about where we derive our value.
Maybe this is the wrong question to ask, but I’m going to ask it anyway: where do men fit into the feminist debate? If you are an alpha male and you enjoy being in that energy space dominantly, are you supposed to just crouch back and not say anything because some men have been terrible? And are you supposed to just put up with a masculine woman for the sake of procreation of the species?
Unfortunately, I think a lot of men (or persons with penises) get lost in the sauce because all conversations seem to get framed around the idea that “all men are misogynists” when realistically, that cannot be true. I choose to see the good in people, and I can’t imagine that one half of the population is on this mission to invalidate the existence of the other.
It’s going on three years ago now that I graduated from a women’s college — I know, S H O C K I N G given what I’m saying — and when I attended, I had so much negative energy towards men, mostly because at those schools you’re taught that you are “just as good as men to dominate the workplace, if not better.” It’s framed as this competition, or battle of the sexes. Now that I’ve had some time to reflect and exist outside the liberal, persons with vaginas bubble, I can see how that really does women a disservice. Coupled with the fact that I previously had animosity towards my own dad, hating men and feeling like I needed to prove that I could do everything a man did became a losing battle for my own sense of self-worth.
Regardless of what you identify as or who you’re attracted to, in any relationship, person or the world, there always needs to be a balance of both masculine and feminine energy. If there’s not, there usually ends up being chaos. Rather than embracing who and what we naturally are, we end up competing with each other, which is not how we have healthy and successful relationships, be healthy and whole individuals, or have a healthy planet.
I challenge people to think about how out of balance the planet is energetically right now, especially with this pandemic going on; this is only a symptom of the disease that the planet as a whole has.
Do persons with vaginas really want to be operating from an energy space that doesn’t come naturally… do we even see our feminine nature as an asset? For men: do they see their masculinity as something to be frowned upon, or as an asset?
Ultimately, you can’t have the yin without the yang. And right now, we’re way too off-balance in the masculinity direction. This situation that we’re in right now makes it even more apparent that we need this balance of masculine and feminine energy (by the way, looking feminine and operating from a feminine energy space are two different things. There are many women that look feminine but are operating primarily in masculine energy). In a time where we can’t really do much, we have to lean into being.
As a woman with her own agency and opinion, I choose to reject what my women’s college and feminism have taught me, in favor of being authentically me, a divine feminine who wants the world to be more balanced. It’s time for us all to become more in tune with ourselves, regardless of gender.
Find your balance.