The unveiling

Do you believe all that you see, or do you dare to question the things in your reality that don’t seem to make sense? Do you believe that God rules the world, or that evil always prevails and that the ‘bad guys’ always seem to win? Regardless of how you answer any of these questions, always question and NEVER accept something at face value.
If you’ve ever watched the movie The Matrix, then you know that once Neo decided to take the red pill, he awoke from his slumber and realized just how fake the world that he’d come to know, was.
All is not as it seems.
While I won’t be specific in what I’m discussing today, I bring up this idea of the unveiling because there has been a veil that’s been over our reality, that most people are too asleep to notice (it’s not really their fault though, but at a certain point, each individual must take personal responsibility and decide to know). But once you see one thing that doesn’t make sense, you’re thrust into the rabbit hole, never to be fooled again by the illusions that once captivated you.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Sometimes it’s difficult for me to discuss topics like this one because what can I really talk about other than generalizations and their relations to cultural artifacts, like movies. The reality is, I cannot make any individual see something, they must see it for themself and then dare to seek further. I think most people want to accept their reality as truth because it’s what’s comfortable for them. People like to know that they have a good handle on things and that they can generally trust that life is the way that it is and that there is no rhyme or reason as to why certain things are the way that they are. I don’t blame people, honestly, but what if life could be better… what if all the pain and suffering that much of humanity experiences, didn’t have to happen?
I will never pretend to know everything-that is supremely disingenuous. What I will say proudly, however, is that I know for a fact that I do not know everything, and the more that I learn, the more I realize is unknown. I challenge you all to think about what has happened in the last year, as well as to think about how this last year differed so heavily from previous years. Does it seem like things connect, that they don’t connect, or that they seem especially out-of-the-ordinary? Trust your intuition and see where it leads you. You know much more than you think you know, despite your reality possibly telling you otherwise.
I’m beyond grateful to all of those who read this post in full, and to those who dare to think for themselves, despite what the masses may be saying. I am excited for what’s to come in the future and ready for humanity to rise up and become the prosperous, awakened, and loving souls that God ordained us to be. While I’m not a religious person, sometimes verses from the Bible really hit home, so I’ll leave you with the following verse:
Be still before the Lord
and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when people succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes. -Psalms 37:7
Open your eyes, and know that once they are opened, they will never again be shut.
Originally published at